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Printer settings

NB: These routines are obsolete and should no longer be used!

The following functions are used to control PostScript printing. Under Windows, PostScript output can only be sent to a file.





wxString wxGetPrinterCommand()

Gets the printer command used to print a file. The default is lpr.


wxString wxGetPrinterFile()

Gets the PostScript output filename.


int wxGetPrinterMode()

Gets the printing mode controlling where output is sent (PS_PREVIEW, PS_FILE or PS_PRINTER). The default is PS_PREVIEW.


wxString wxGetPrinterOptions()

Gets the additional options for the print command (e.g. specific printer). The default is nothing.


int wxGetPrinterOrientation()

Gets the orientation (PS_PORTRAIT or PS_LANDSCAPE). The default is PS_PORTRAIT.


wxString wxGetPrinterPreviewCommand()

Gets the command used to view a PostScript file. The default depends on the platform.


void wxGetPrinterScaling(float *x, float *y)

Gets the scaling factor for PostScript output. The default is 1.0, 1.0.


void wxGetPrinterTranslation(float *x, float *y)

Gets the translation (from the top left corner) for PostScript output. The default is 0.0, 0.0.


void wxSetPrinterCommand(const wxString& command)

Sets the printer command used to print a file. The default is lpr.


void wxSetPrinterFile(const wxString& filename)

Sets the PostScript output filename.


void wxSetPrinterMode(int mode)

Sets the printing mode controlling where output is sent (PS_PREVIEW, PS_FILE or PS_PRINTER). The default is PS_PREVIEW.


void wxSetPrinterOptions(const wxString& options)

Sets the additional options for the print command (e.g. specific printer). The default is nothing.


void wxSetPrinterOrientation(int orientation)

Sets the orientation (PS_PORTRAIT or PS_LANDSCAPE). The default is PS_PORTRAIT.


void wxSetPrinterPreviewCommand(const wxString& command)

Sets the command used to view a PostScript file. The default depends on the platform.


void wxSetPrinterScaling(float x, float y)

Sets the scaling factor for PostScript output. The default is 1.0, 1.0.


void wxSetPrinterTranslation(float x, float y)

Sets the translation (from the top left corner) for PostScript output. The default is 0.0, 0.0.