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This event class contains information about various grid events.





Event handling

The event handler for the following functions takes a wxGridEvent parameter. The ..._CMD_... variants also take a window identifier.

EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK(func) The user clicked a cell with the left mouse button. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK.
EVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK(func) The user clicked a cell with the right mouse button. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK.
EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK(func) The user double-clicked a cell with the left mouse button. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK.
EVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK(func) The user double-clicked a cell with the right mouse button. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK.
EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK(func) The user clicked a label with the left mouse button. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK.
EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK(func) The user clicked a label with the right mouse button. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK.
EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK(func) The user double-clicked a label with the left mouse button. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK.
EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK(func) The user double-clicked a label with the right mouse button. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK.
EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE(func) The user changed the data in a cell. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE.
EVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL(func) The user moved to, and selected a cell. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL.
EVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN(func) The editor for a cell was hidden. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN.
EVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN(func) The editor for a cell was shown. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN.
EVT_GRID_CMD_CELL_LEFT_CLICK(id, func) The user clicked a cell with the left mouse button; variant taking a window identifier. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK.
EVT_GRID_CMD_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK(id, func) The user clicked a cell with the right mouse button; variant taking a window identifier. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK.
EVT_GRID_CMD_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK(id, func) The user double-clicked a cell with the left mouse button; variant taking a window identifier. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK.
EVT_GRID_CMD_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK(id, func) The user double-clicked a cell with the right mouse button; variant taking a window identifier. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK.
EVT_GRID_CMD_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK(id, func) The user clicked a label with the left mouse button; variant taking a window identifier. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK.
EVT_GRID_CMD_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK(id, func) The user clicked a label with the right mouse button; variant taking a window identifier. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK.
EVT_GRID_CMD_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK(id, func) The user double-clicked a label with the left mouse button; variant taking a window identifier. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK.
EVT_GRID_CMD_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK(id, func) The user double-clicked a label with the right mouse button; variant taking a window identifier. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK.
EVT_GRID_CMD_CELL_CHANGE(id, func) The user changed the data in a cell; variant taking a window identifier. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE.
EVT_GRID_CMD_SELECT_CELL(id, func) The user moved to, and selected a cell; variant taking a window identifier. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL.
EVT_GRID_CMD_EDITOR_HIDDEN(id, func) The editor for a cell was hidden; variant taking a window identifier. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN.
EVT_GRID_CMD_EDITOR_SHOWN(id, func) The editor for a cell was shown; variant taking a window identifier. Processes a wxEVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN.




Default constructor.

wxGridEvent(int id, wxEventType type, wxObject* obj, int row = -1, int col = -1, int x = -1, int y = -1, bool sel = true, bool control = false, bool shift = false, bool alt = false, bool meta = false)



bool AltDown()

Returns true if the Alt key was down at the time of the event.


bool ControlDown()

Returns true if the Control key was down at the time of the event.


int GetCol()

Column at which the event occurred.


wxPoint GetPosition()

Position in pixels at which the event occurred.


int GetRow()

Row at which the event occurred.


bool MetaDown()

Returns true if the Meta key was down at the time of the event.


bool Selecting()

Returns true if the user deselected a cell, false if the user deselected a cell.


bool ShiftDown()

Returns true if the Shift key was down at the time of the event.