Version: 2.9.4
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions
wxPropertyGrid Class Reference

#include </home/zeitlin/src/wx/github/interface/wx/propgrid/propgrid.h>

Inheritance diagram for wxPropertyGrid:

Detailed Description

wxPropertyGrid is a specialized grid for editing properties - in other words name = value pairs.

List of ready-to-use property classes include strings, numbers, flag sets, fonts, colours and many others. It is possible, for example, to categorize properties, set up a complete tree-hierarchy, add more than two columns, and set arbitrary per-property attributes.

Please note that most member functions are inherited and as such not documented on this page. This means you will probably also want to read wxPropertyGridInterface class reference.

See also wxPropertyGrid Overview.


See wxPropertyGrid Window Styles.


To process input from a property grid control, use these event handler macros to direct input to member functions that take a wxPropertyGridEvent argument.

Events emitted by this class

The following event handler macros redirect the events to member function handlers 'func' with prototypes like:

void handlerFuncName(wxPropertyGridEvent& event)

Event macros for events emitted by this class:

Use Freeze() and Thaw() respectively to disable and enable drawing. This will also delay sorting etc. miscellaneous calculations to the last possible moment.

Library:  wxPropertyGrid
Category:  wxPropertyGrid

wxMSW appearancewxGTK appearancewxMac appearance
wxMSW appearancewxGTK appearancewxMac appearance

Public Member Functions

 wxPropertyGrid ()
 Two step constructor.
 wxPropertyGrid (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxPG_DEFAULT_STYLE, const wxString &name=wxPropertyGridNameStr)
virtual ~wxPropertyGrid ()
void AddActionTrigger (int action, int keycode, int modifiers=0)
 Adds given key combination to trigger given action.
bool AddToSelection (wxPGPropArg id)
 Adds given property into selection.
void BeginLabelEdit (unsigned int colIndex=0)
 Creates label editor wxTextCtrl for given column, for property that is currently selected.
bool ChangePropertyValue (wxPGPropArg id, wxVariant newValue)
 Changes value of a property, as if from an editor.
void CenterSplitter (bool enableAutoResizing=false)
 Centers the splitter.
virtual void Clear ()
 Deletes all properties.
void ClearActionTriggers (int action)
 Clears action triggers for given action.
virtual bool CommitChangesFromEditor (wxUint32 flags=0)
 Forces updating the value of property from the editor control.
bool Create (wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxPG_DEFAULT_STYLE, const wxString &name=wxPropertyGridNameStr)
 Two step creation.
void DedicateKey (int keycode)
 Dedicates a specific keycode to wxPropertyGrid.
bool EnableCategories (bool enable)
 Enables or disables (shows/hides) categories according to parameter enable.
void EndLabelEdit (bool commit=true)
 Destroys label editor wxTextCtrl, if any.
bool EnsureVisible (wxPGPropArg id)
 Scrolls and/or expands items to ensure that the given item is visible.
wxSize FitColumns ()
 Reduces column sizes to minimum possible, while still retaining fully visible grid contents (labels, images).
wxTextCtrlGetLabelEditor () const
 Returns currently active label editor, NULL if none.
wxWindowGetPanel ()
 Returns wxWindow that the properties are painted on, and which should be used as the parent for editor controls.
wxColour GetCaptionBackgroundColour () const
 Returns current category caption background colour.
wxFontGetCaptionFont ()
 Returns current category caption font.
wxColour GetCaptionForegroundColour () const
 Returns current category caption text colour.
wxColour GetCellBackgroundColour () const
 Returns current cell background colour.
wxColour GetCellDisabledTextColour () const
 Returns current cell text colour when disabled.
wxColour GetCellTextColour () const
 Returns current cell text colour.
unsigned int GetColumnCount () const
 Returns number of columns currently on grid.
wxColour GetEmptySpaceColour () const
 Returns colour of empty space below properties.
int GetFontHeight () const
 Returns height of highest characters of used font.
wxPropertyGridGetGrid ()
 Returns pointer to itself.
wxRect GetImageRect (wxPGProperty *property, int item) const
 Returns rectangle of custom paint image.
wxSize GetImageSize (wxPGProperty *property=NULL, int item=-1) const
 Returns size of the custom paint image in front of property.
wxPGPropertyGetLastItem (int flags=wxPG_ITERATE_DEFAULT)
 Returns last item which could be iterated using given flags.
wxColour GetLineColour () const
 Returns colour of lines between cells.
wxColour GetMarginColour () const
 Returns background colour of margin.
wxPGPropertyGetRoot () const
 Returns "root property".
int GetRowHeight () const
 Returns height of a single grid row (in pixels).
wxPGPropertyGetSelectedProperty () const
 Returns currently selected property.
wxPGPropertyGetSelection () const
 Returns currently selected property.
wxColour GetSelectionBackgroundColour () const
 Returns current selection background colour.
wxColour GetSelectionForegroundColour () const
 Returns current selection text colour.
wxPGSortCallback GetSortFunction () const
 Returns the property sort function (default is NULL).
int GetSplitterPosition (unsigned int splitterIndex=0) const
 Returns current splitter x position.
wxTextCtrlGetEditorTextCtrl () const
 Returns wxTextCtrl active in currently selected property, if any.
const wxPGCellGetUnspecifiedValueAppearance () const
 Returns current appearance of unspecified value cells.
wxString GetUnspecifiedValueText (int argFlags=0) const
 Returns (visual) text representation of the unspecified property value.
int GetVerticalSpacing () const
 Returns current vertical spacing.
wxPropertyGridHitTestResult HitTest (const wxPoint &pt) const
 Returns information about arbitrary position in the grid.
bool IsAnyModified () const
 Returns true if any property has been modified by the user.
bool IsEditorFocused () const
 Returns true if a property editor control has focus.
bool IsFrozen () const
 Returns true if updating is frozen (ie.
void MakeColumnEditable (unsigned int column, bool editable=true)
 Makes given column editable by user.
void OnTLPChanging (wxWindow *newTLP)
 It is recommended that you call this function any time your code causes wxPropertyGrid's top-level parent to change.
void RefreshEditor ()
 Refreshes any active editor control.
virtual void RefreshProperty (wxPGProperty *p)
 Redraws given property.
void ResetColours ()
 Resets all colours to the original system values.
void ResetColumnSizes (bool enableAutoResizing=false)
 Resets column sizes and splitter positions, based on proportions.
bool RemoveFromSelection (wxPGPropArg id)
 Removes given property from selection.
bool SelectProperty (wxPGPropArg id, bool focus=false)
 Selects a property.
void SetCaptionBackgroundColour (const wxColour &col)
 Sets category caption background colour.
void SetCaptionTextColour (const wxColour &col)
 Sets category caption text colour.
void SetCellBackgroundColour (const wxColour &col)
 Sets default cell background colour - applies to property cells.
void SetCellDisabledTextColour (const wxColour &col)
 Sets cell text colour for disabled properties.
void SetCellTextColour (const wxColour &col)
 Sets default cell text colour - applies to property name and value text.
void SetColumnCount (int colCount)
 Set number of columns (2 or more).
void SetCurrentCategory (wxPGPropArg id)
 Sets the 'current' category - Append will add non-category properties under it.
void SetEmptySpaceColour (const wxColour &col)
 Sets colour of empty space below properties.
void SetLineColour (const wxColour &col)
 Sets colour of lines between cells.
void SetMarginColour (const wxColour &col)
 Sets background colour of margin.
void SetSelection (const wxArrayPGProperty &newSelection)
 Set entire new selection from given list of properties.
void SetSelectionBackgroundColour (const wxColour &col)
 Sets selection background colour - applies to selected property name background.
void SetSelectionTextColour (const wxColour &col)
 Sets selection foreground colour - applies to selected property name text.
void SetSortFunction (wxPGSortCallback sortFunction)
 Sets the property sorting function.
void SetSplitterPosition (int newxpos, int col=0)
 Sets x coordinate of the splitter.
void SetSplitterLeft (bool privateChildrenToo=false)
 Moves splitter as left as possible, while still allowing all labels to be shown in full.
void SetUnspecifiedValueAppearance (const wxPGCell &cell)
 Sets appearance of value cells representing an unspecified property value.
void SetVerticalSpacing (int vspacing)
 Sets vertical spacing.
wxPropertyGrid customization

Reimplement these member functions in derived class for better control over wxPropertyGrid behaviour.

virtual void DoShowPropertyError (wxPGProperty *property, const wxString &msg)
 Override in derived class to display error messages in custom manner (these message usually only result from validation failure).
virtual void DoHidePropertyError (wxPGProperty *property)
 Override in derived class to hide an error displayed by DoShowPropertyError().
virtual wxStatusBarGetStatusBar ()
 Return wxStatusBar that is used by this wxPropertyGrid.
Property development functions

These member functions are usually only called when creating custom user properties.

void EditorsValueWasModified ()
 Call when editor widget's contents is modified.
void EditorsValueWasNotModified ()
 Reverse of EditorsValueWasModified().
wxVariant GetUncommittedPropertyValue ()
 Returns most up-to-date value of selected property.
bool IsEditorsValueModified () const
 Returns true if editor's value was marked modified.
void ShowPropertyError (wxPGPropArg id, const wxString &msg)
 Shows an brief error message that is related to a property.
bool WasValueChangedInEvent () const
 You can use this member function, for instance, to detect in wxPGProperty::OnEvent() if wxPGProperty::SetValueInEvent() was already called in wxPGEditor::OnEvent().

Static Public Member Functions

static void AutoGetTranslation (bool enable)
 This static function enables or disables automatic use of wxGetTranslation() for following strings: wxEnumProperty list labels, wxFlagsProperty child property labels.
static wxPGEditorRegisterEditorClass (wxPGEditor *editor, bool noDefCheck=false)
 Forwards to DoRegisterEditorClass with empty name.
static wxPGEditorDoRegisterEditorClass (wxPGEditor *editor, const wxString &name, bool noDefCheck=false)
 Registers a new editor class.

List of all members.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

wxPropertyGrid::wxPropertyGrid ( )

Two step constructor.

Call Create() when this constructor is called to build up the wxPropertyGrid

wxPropertyGrid::wxPropertyGrid ( wxWindow parent,
wxWindowID  id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize size = wxDefaultSize,
long  style = wxPG_DEFAULT_STYLE,
const wxString name = wxPropertyGridNameStr 


The styles to be used are styles valid for the wxWindow.

wxPropertyGrid Window Styles.
virtual wxPropertyGrid::~wxPropertyGrid ( ) [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

void wxPropertyGrid::AddActionTrigger ( int  action,
int  keycode,
int  modifiers = 0 

Adds given key combination to trigger given action.

Here is a sample code to make Enter key press move focus to the next property.

actionWhich action to trigger. See wxPropertyGrid Action Identifiers.
keycodeWhich keycode triggers the action.
modifiersWhich key event modifiers, in addition to keycode, are needed to trigger the action.
bool wxPropertyGrid::AddToSelection ( wxPGPropArg  id)

Adds given property into selection.

If wxPG_EX_MULTIPLE_SELECTION extra style is not used, then this has same effect as calling SelectProperty().

Multiple selection is not supported for categories. This means that if you have properties selected, you cannot add category to selection, and also if you have category selected, you cannot add other properties to selection. This member function will fail silently in these cases, even returning true.
static void wxPropertyGrid::AutoGetTranslation ( bool  enable) [static]

This static function enables or disables automatic use of wxGetTranslation() for following strings: wxEnumProperty list labels, wxFlagsProperty child property labels.

Default is false.

void wxPropertyGrid::BeginLabelEdit ( unsigned int  colIndex = 0)

Creates label editor wxTextCtrl for given column, for property that is currently selected.

When multiple selection is enabled, this applies to whatever property GetSelection() returns.

colIndexWhich column's label to edit. Note that you should not use value 1, which is reserved for property value column.
EndLabelEdit(), MakeColumnEditable()
void wxPropertyGrid::CenterSplitter ( bool  enableAutoResizing = false)

Centers the splitter.

enableAutoResizingIf true, automatic column resizing is enabled (only applicapple if window style wxPG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER is used).
bool wxPropertyGrid::ChangePropertyValue ( wxPGPropArg  id,
wxVariant  newValue 

Changes value of a property, as if from an editor.

Use this instead of SetPropertyValue() if you need the value to run through validation process, and also send the property change event.

Returns true if value was successfully changed.

Reimplemented from wxPropertyGridInterface.

virtual void wxPropertyGrid::Clear ( ) [virtual]

Deletes all properties.

Implements wxPropertyGridInterface.

void wxPropertyGrid::ClearActionTriggers ( int  action)

Clears action triggers for given action.

actionWhich action to trigger. wxPropertyGrid Action Identifiers.
virtual bool wxPropertyGrid::CommitChangesFromEditor ( wxUint32  flags = 0) [virtual]

Forces updating the value of property from the editor control.

Note that wxEVT_PG_CHANGING and wxEVT_PG_CHANGED are dispatched using ProcessEvent, meaning your event handlers will be called immediately.

Returns true if anything was changed.
bool wxPropertyGrid::Create ( wxWindow parent,
wxWindowID  id = wxID_ANY,
const wxPoint pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize size = wxDefaultSize,
long  style = wxPG_DEFAULT_STYLE,
const wxString name = wxPropertyGridNameStr 

Two step creation.

Whenever the control is created without any parameters, use Create to actually create it. Don't access the control's public methods before this is called

wxPropertyGrid Window Styles.

Reimplemented from wxWindow.

void wxPropertyGrid::DedicateKey ( int  keycode)

Dedicates a specific keycode to wxPropertyGrid.

This means that such key presses will not be redirected to editor controls.

Using this function allows, for example, navigation between properties using arrow keys even when the focus is in the editor control.

virtual void wxPropertyGrid::DoHidePropertyError ( wxPGProperty property) [virtual]

Override in derived class to hide an error displayed by DoShowPropertyError().

static wxPGEditor* wxPropertyGrid::DoRegisterEditorClass ( wxPGEditor editor,
const wxString name,
bool  noDefCheck = false 
) [static]

Registers a new editor class.

Returns pointer to the editor class instance that should be used.
virtual void wxPropertyGrid::DoShowPropertyError ( wxPGProperty property,
const wxString msg 
) [virtual]

Override in derived class to display error messages in custom manner (these message usually only result from validation failure).

If you implement this, then you also need to implement DoHidePropertyError() - possibly to do nothing, if error does not need hiding (e.g. it was logged or shown in a message box).
void wxPropertyGrid::EditorsValueWasModified ( )

Call when editor widget's contents is modified.

For example, this is called when changes text in wxTextCtrl (used in wxStringProperty and wxIntProperty).

This function should only be called by custom properties.
void wxPropertyGrid::EditorsValueWasNotModified ( )

Reverse of EditorsValueWasModified().

This function should only be called by custom properties.
bool wxPropertyGrid::EnableCategories ( bool  enable)

Enables or disables (shows/hides) categories according to parameter enable.

This functions deselects selected property, if any. Validation failure option wxPG_VFB_STAY_IN_PROPERTY is not respected, ie. selection is cleared even if editor had invalid value.
void wxPropertyGrid::EndLabelEdit ( bool  commit = true)

Destroys label editor wxTextCtrl, if any.

commitUse true (default) to store edited label text in property cell data.
BeginLabelEdit(), MakeColumnEditable()
bool wxPropertyGrid::EnsureVisible ( wxPGPropArg  id)

Scrolls and/or expands items to ensure that the given item is visible.

Returns true if something was actually done.
wxSize wxPropertyGrid::FitColumns ( )

Reduces column sizes to minimum possible, while still retaining fully visible grid contents (labels, images).

Minimum size for the grid to still display everything.
Does not work well with wxPG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER window style.

This function only works properly if grid size prior to call was already fairly large.

Note that you can also get calculated column widths by calling GetState->GetColumnWidth() immediately after this function returns.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetCaptionBackgroundColour ( ) const

Returns current category caption background colour.

wxFont& wxPropertyGrid::GetCaptionFont ( )

Returns current category caption font.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetCaptionForegroundColour ( ) const

Returns current category caption text colour.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetCellBackgroundColour ( ) const

Returns current cell background colour.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetCellDisabledTextColour ( ) const

Returns current cell text colour when disabled.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetCellTextColour ( ) const

Returns current cell text colour.

unsigned int wxPropertyGrid::GetColumnCount ( ) const

Returns number of columns currently on grid.

wxTextCtrl* wxPropertyGrid::GetEditorTextCtrl ( ) const

Returns wxTextCtrl active in currently selected property, if any.

Takes wxOwnerDrawnComboBox into account.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetEmptySpaceColour ( ) const

Returns colour of empty space below properties.

int wxPropertyGrid::GetFontHeight ( ) const

Returns height of highest characters of used font.

wxPropertyGrid* wxPropertyGrid::GetGrid ( )

Returns pointer to itself.

Dummy function that enables same kind of code to use wxPropertyGrid and wxPropertyGridManager.

wxRect wxPropertyGrid::GetImageRect ( wxPGProperty property,
int  item 
) const

Returns rectangle of custom paint image.

propertyReturn image rectangle for this property.
itemWhich choice of property to use (each choice may have different image).
wxSize wxPropertyGrid::GetImageSize ( wxPGProperty property = NULL,
int  item = -1 
) const

Returns size of the custom paint image in front of property.

propertyReturn image rectangle for this property. If this argument is NULL, then preferred size is returned.
itemWhich choice of property to use (each choice may have different image).
wxTextCtrl* wxPropertyGrid::GetLabelEditor ( ) const

Returns currently active label editor, NULL if none.

wxPGProperty* wxPropertyGrid::GetLastItem ( int  flags = wxPG_ITERATE_DEFAULT)

Returns last item which could be iterated using given flags.

flagsSee wxPropertyGridIterator Flags.
wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetLineColour ( ) const

Returns colour of lines between cells.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetMarginColour ( ) const

Returns background colour of margin.

wxWindow* wxPropertyGrid::GetPanel ( )

Returns wxWindow that the properties are painted on, and which should be used as the parent for editor controls.

wxPGProperty* wxPropertyGrid::GetRoot ( ) const

Returns "root property".

It does not have name, etc. and it is not visible. It is only useful for accessing its children.

int wxPropertyGrid::GetRowHeight ( ) const

Returns height of a single grid row (in pixels).

wxPGProperty* wxPropertyGrid::GetSelectedProperty ( ) const

Returns currently selected property.

wxPGProperty* wxPropertyGrid::GetSelection ( ) const

Returns currently selected property.

Reimplemented from wxPropertyGridInterface.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetSelectionBackgroundColour ( ) const

Returns current selection background colour.

wxColour wxPropertyGrid::GetSelectionForegroundColour ( ) const

Returns current selection text colour.

wxPGSortCallback wxPropertyGrid::GetSortFunction ( ) const

Returns the property sort function (default is NULL).

int wxPropertyGrid::GetSplitterPosition ( unsigned int  splitterIndex = 0) const

Returns current splitter x position.

virtual wxStatusBar* wxPropertyGrid::GetStatusBar ( ) [virtual]

Return wxStatusBar that is used by this wxPropertyGrid.

You can reimplement this member function in derived class to override the default behaviour of using the top-level wxFrame's status bar, if any.

wxVariant wxPropertyGrid::GetUncommittedPropertyValue ( )

Returns most up-to-date value of selected property.

This will return value different from GetSelectedProperty()->GetValue() only when text editor is activate and string edited by user represents valid, uncommitted property value.

const wxPGCell& wxPropertyGrid::GetUnspecifiedValueAppearance ( ) const

Returns current appearance of unspecified value cells.

wxString wxPropertyGrid::GetUnspecifiedValueText ( int  argFlags = 0) const

Returns (visual) text representation of the unspecified property value.

argFlagsFor internal use only.
int wxPropertyGrid::GetVerticalSpacing ( ) const

Returns current vertical spacing.

wxPropertyGridHitTestResult wxPropertyGrid::HitTest ( const wxPoint pt) const

Returns information about arbitrary position in the grid.

ptCoordinates in the virtual grid space. You may need to use wxScrolled<T>::CalcScrolledPosition() for translating wxPropertyGrid client coordinates into something this member function can use.

Reimplemented from wxWindow.

bool wxPropertyGrid::IsAnyModified ( ) const

Returns true if any property has been modified by the user.

bool wxPropertyGrid::IsEditorFocused ( ) const

Returns true if a property editor control has focus.

bool wxPropertyGrid::IsEditorsValueModified ( ) const

Returns true if editor's value was marked modified.

bool wxPropertyGrid::IsFrozen ( ) const

Returns true if updating is frozen (ie.

Freeze() called but not yet Thaw() ).

Reimplemented from wxWindow.

void wxPropertyGrid::MakeColumnEditable ( unsigned int  column,
bool  editable = true 

Makes given column editable by user.

columnThe index of the column to make editable.
editableUsing false here will disable column from being editable.
BeginLabelEdit(), EndLabelEdit()
void wxPropertyGrid::OnTLPChanging ( wxWindow newTLP)

It is recommended that you call this function any time your code causes wxPropertyGrid's top-level parent to change.

wxPropertyGrid's OnIdle() handler should be able to detect most changes, but it is not perfect.

newTLPNew top-level parent that is about to be set. Old top-level parent window should still exist as the current one.
This function is automatically called from wxPropertyGrid:: Reparent() and wxPropertyGridManager::Reparent(). You only need to use it if you reparent wxPropertyGrid indirectly.
void wxPropertyGrid::RefreshEditor ( )

Refreshes any active editor control.

virtual void wxPropertyGrid::RefreshProperty ( wxPGProperty p) [virtual]

Redraws given property.

static wxPGEditor* wxPropertyGrid::RegisterEditorClass ( wxPGEditor editor,
bool  noDefCheck = false 
) [static]

Forwards to DoRegisterEditorClass with empty name.

bool wxPropertyGrid::RemoveFromSelection ( wxPGPropArg  id)

Removes given property from selection.

If property is not selected, an assertion failure will occur.

void wxPropertyGrid::ResetColours ( )

Resets all colours to the original system values.

void wxPropertyGrid::ResetColumnSizes ( bool  enableAutoResizing = false)

Resets column sizes and splitter positions, based on proportions.

enableAutoResizingIf true, automatic column resizing is enabled (only applicapple if window style wxPG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER is used).
bool wxPropertyGrid::SelectProperty ( wxPGPropArg  id,
bool  focus = false 

Selects a property.

Editor widget is automatically created, but not focused unless focus is true.

idProperty to select (name or pointer).
focusIf true, move keyboard focus to the created editor right away.
returns true if selection finished successfully. Usually only fails if current value in editor is not valid.
In wxPropertyGrid 1.4, this member function used to generate wxEVT_PG_SELECTED. In wxWidgets 2.9 and later, it no longer does that.
This clears any previous selection.
void wxPropertyGrid::SetCaptionBackgroundColour ( const wxColour col)

Sets category caption background colour.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetCaptionTextColour ( const wxColour col)

Sets category caption text colour.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetCellBackgroundColour ( const wxColour col)

Sets default cell background colour - applies to property cells.

Note that appearance of editor widgets may not be affected.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetCellDisabledTextColour ( const wxColour col)

Sets cell text colour for disabled properties.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetCellTextColour ( const wxColour col)

Sets default cell text colour - applies to property name and value text.

Note that appearance of editor widgets may not be affected.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetColumnCount ( int  colCount)

Set number of columns (2 or more).

void wxPropertyGrid::SetCurrentCategory ( wxPGPropArg  id)

Sets the 'current' category - Append will add non-category properties under it.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetEmptySpaceColour ( const wxColour col)

Sets colour of empty space below properties.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetLineColour ( const wxColour col)

Sets colour of lines between cells.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetMarginColour ( const wxColour col)

Sets background colour of margin.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetSelection ( const wxArrayPGProperty &  newSelection)

Set entire new selection from given list of properties.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetSelectionBackgroundColour ( const wxColour col)

Sets selection background colour - applies to selected property name background.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetSelectionTextColour ( const wxColour col)

Sets selection foreground colour - applies to selected property name text.

void wxPropertyGrid::SetSortFunction ( wxPGSortCallback  sortFunction)

Sets the property sorting function.

sortFunctionThe sorting function to be used. It should return a value greater than 0 if position of p1 is after p2. So, for instance, when comparing property names, you can use following implementation:
                int MyPropertySortFunction(wxPropertyGrid* propGrid,
                                           wxPGProperty* p1,
                                           wxPGProperty* p2)
                    return p1->GetBaseName().compare( p2->GetBaseName() );
Default property sort function sorts properties by their labels (case-insensitively).
GetSortFunction, wxPropertyGridInterface::Sort, wxPropertyGridInterface::SortChildren
void wxPropertyGrid::SetSplitterLeft ( bool  privateChildrenToo = false)

Moves splitter as left as possible, while still allowing all labels to be shown in full.

privateChildrenTooIf false, will still allow private children to be cropped.
void wxPropertyGrid::SetSplitterPosition ( int  newxpos,
int  col = 0 

Sets x coordinate of the splitter.

Splitter position cannot exceed grid size, and therefore setting it during form creation may fail as initial grid size is often smaller than desired splitter position, especially when sizers are being used.
void wxPropertyGrid::SetUnspecifiedValueAppearance ( const wxPGCell cell)

Sets appearance of value cells representing an unspecified property value.

Default appearance is blank.

If you set the unspecified value to have any textual representation, then that will override "InlineHelp" attribute.
wxPGProperty::SetValueToUnspecified(), wxPGProperty::IsValueUnspecified()
void wxPropertyGrid::SetVerticalSpacing ( int  vspacing)

Sets vertical spacing.

Can be 1, 2, or 3 - a value relative to font height. Value of 2 should be default on most platforms.

void wxPropertyGrid::ShowPropertyError ( wxPGPropArg  id,
const wxString msg 

Shows an brief error message that is related to a property.

bool wxPropertyGrid::WasValueChangedInEvent ( ) const

You can use this member function, for instance, to detect in wxPGProperty::OnEvent() if wxPGProperty::SetValueInEvent() was already called in wxPGEditor::OnEvent().

It really only detects if was value was changed using wxPGProperty::SetValueInEvent(), which is usually used when a 'picker' dialog is displayed. If value was written by "normal means" in wxPGProperty::StringToValue() or IntToValue(), then this function will return false (on the other hand, wxPGProperty::OnEvent() is not even called in those cases).

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